
About Internal Family Systems and healing

About IFS

Internal Family Systems (IFS) was my method of choice when helping clients in my psychology private practice and it’s been pivotal in my own healing journey.

It’s the framework through which I live my life and it features in my fiction writing.

IFS is a psychological therapy that offers a framework for true Self understanding and an evidence-based, step-by-step process to navigate through challenges.

It addresses the underlying cause of issues rather than simply trying to manage or mitigate symptoms. It works from a place of compassion and curiosity, recognising our inner complexities and also our inner resources.

It also explains why our inner teen is so important and how reconnecting can be life inspiring and healing.

Here’s an article about IFS that I wrote to my newsletter peeps.

I also regularly talk about my parts and how they’ve been impacting my life in my weekly newsletter. Signup for free here.

And there are more IFS resources below.

Your inner teen embodies your pure potential, sense of freedom and fun.

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Weekly insights and reflections on what it means to live truly and unapologetically as ourselves